Saturday, November 5, 2011

Monks' Robes

Monks are not faced with many wardrobe decisions, but watching the little ones manage the monks' robes is often a joy and delight.

Jampa Lodroe, about 9 years old, from class III was on his way out my door, (we had class in my room as there was more natural light and it was warmer), when he grabbed his Ngolin. He was experiencing a falling Ngolin.

So he begins again. First he takes the Ngolin, a one piece skirt extra wide with enough fabric to pleat, or not, if you are young, and begins the wrap.

Following that he takes the Kera, a cumberbund like belt with very long ties and places the widest part in the front. He then wraps around to the back and then again to the front. Finally he ties it in the front.

Up, over and off to class.

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