Sunday, December 20, 2009

All I Want for Christmas

Response to Connie
shared with all
Well, Connie I thought about it long and hard. First I thought of something to share with the kids. Then I thought some more. If I could have a Christmas gift from America it would be a can of pledge and a roll of paper towels. No fake. There is nothing available to clean with. I did get some rubber gloves and a bag of like 2 dish rags, but the rags smell so bad (they are brand new from a "department" store) that I need to sneak out one night and bury them.

Otherwise things have steadily gotten easier on one level and more stressful on another. I have 24 students in the Shedra class; the college philosophy students. They were assigned an essay which they are writing by hand. I have to correct and conference with each one, hopefully keeping the others interested in another project. I pulled an excerpt out of the book I was reading about Mumbai. India, as their neighbor is relevant and Suketa "tells it like it is". (The author Suketa Mehta earned a place on the Pulitzer Prize finalist list, title: Maximum City Bombay Lost and Found.)
My goal is to try and get the computer lab running, yes they have 4 computers, but no one knows how to use a word processor. They could then write on MSW save to my memory stick and then I would have to go into town to print. Yeah, nothing's very easy. Even getting into town is a chance; will there be a bus? Will there be room? Will I have to ride on the roof? Will I fall off the roof? You know things like that.

Now for the inside view:

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